Amber Powder - Amber Sand - Hygiene & Skincare Products and Rituals | Amber Bath powder
Amber powder for rituals and production of hygiene products with amber.
Baltic amber powder has been know for its healing and body energizing properties. The medical properties and uses were described by Hippocrates already in 460 - 377 BC. As amber itself, so amber powder is useful for mental health, helps to calm down, reduces stress, boosts immune system, inflammation, heals wounds and injuries. The Baltic amber sand / powder can be used as as food additive and applied directly on the skin. The similar properties also has Baltic amber oil described in our blog about amber oil uses and benefits. Even though amber and its components were used in ancient civilizations, its popularity grows rapidly as humanity is going back to environmentally and eco-friendly products and alternative medicine, food additives and supplements.
Most common health issues Baltic amber powder helps with:
Chronic pain;
Mental disorders and stress;
Sleeping disorders;
Tiredness and fatigue;
Sore throat;
Bleeding gums (apply amber powder to your toothpaste);
Stomach issues;
Pimples, other skin issues and wounds
Strengthening hair
The beauty benefits of amber powder include:
- Improving skin's healthy look, reducing pores and wrinkles as well signs of aging;
- Regenerates skin;
- Brightens skin's tone, reduces spots and circles, red areas and bags under eyes;
- Heals acne, pimples and other skin condition;
- Moisturizes skin;
- Heals cracked heels and feet;
- Stimulates scalp and increase hair growth;
- Reduce cramps and relaxes muscle - can be used with massage oil;
- Neutralizes mosquito and insect bites.
The ancients said it had magical powers. Modern science has proven that the medically active ingredient, succinic acid is in fact beneficial.
Europeans long ago learned that amber oil, either distilled or made from powder, rubbed into the skin did many fabulous things. One of which was to regenerate the skin. It is one of the earliest known anti-aging treatments
) [description_short] => Array ( [1] =>Amber Powder / Sand Made from Genuine Baltic Amber.
The powder is used as a bath powder, also as an ingredient in DIY bath bombs, skincare cosmetics, perfume, lotions etc.
[4] =>Amber Powder Made from Genuine Baltic Amber
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