Product Object
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[1] => Loose Cherry Baroque Raw Amber Beads
[4] => copy of Loose Baroque Amber Beads LB101
[description] => Array
[1] =>
Amber Color: Cherry;
Finish: Raw;
Amber Bead Shape: Baroque;
Available Sizes: 4-6.5mm or 7-8mm;
Quantity: There are about 1200-1300 (4-6.5 mm size beads) or 360 (7-8 mm size beads) in 100 grams;
Wholesale MOQ: 100 g.
[4] =>
Loose Amber beads can be used when creating your own unique jewelry design. In our store we offer two size beads - 4-6 mm and 7-8 mm so they can be used for creating both adult and baby accessories. Our Amber beads come in four main styles - baroque, beans (olive), raw and round beads. When it comes to colors you can choose from lemon, honey, cherry, cognac, green, dark green and other bead colors. Amber match well with hazel wood and other stones so you can be sure that they will look good in any jewelry. In case you have a specific Amber jewelry design in mind we might help you to make it from loose Amber beads too. We only sell real, genuine as well as authentic Baltic Amber beads and jewelry so you will not be disappointed with our products. Lowest order quantity for our Amber beads is 100 g for each size, style or color.
[description_short] => Array
[1] =>
Loose Baltic Amber Beads.
All of our beads already have a drilled hole in them.
In our store we offer two size beads - 4-6.5 mm and 7-8 mm so they can be used for creating both adult and baby accessories.
[4] =>
Product ID: LB101;
Short Description: Loose Baltic Amber Beads, Baroque Style;
Minimum Wholesale Quantity: 100 g for different size and color Amber Beads;
Style: Baroque;
Available Sizes: 4-6mm or 7-8mm;
Quantity: There are about 1200-1300 (4-6 mm size beads) or 360 (7-8 mm size beads) in 100 grams;
Amber Beads: Polished;
Other Features: All of our beads already have a drilled hole in them;
Color: We offer 7 Different Colors for Baroque Style Amber Beads (Cherry, Honey, Green and others);
LB101-1 Cherry;
LB101-3 Cognac;
LB101-5 Honey;
LB101-6 Lemon;
LB101-7 Green;
LB101-8 Dark Cognac;
[quantity] => 0
[minimal_quantity] => 1
[low_stock_threshold] =>
[low_stock_alert] => 0
[available_now] => Array
[1] =>
[4] =>
[available_later] => Array
[1] =>
[4] =>
[price] => 117.000000
[specificPrice] => 0
[additional_shipping_cost] => 2.000000
[wholesale_price] => 97.500000
[on_sale] => 0
[online_only] => 0
[unity] =>
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[unit_price_ratio] => 0.000000
[ecotax] => 0.000000
[reference] => LB102-1
[supplier_reference] =>
[location] =>
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[depth] => 0.000000
[weight] => 0.100000
[ean13] => 0
[isbn] =>
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[4] => copy-of-loose-baroque-amber-beads-lb101
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[date_upd] => 2025-02-13 12:37:33
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