Product Object
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[1] => Green Polished Baroque Baltic Amber Teething Bracelet-Anklet for Baby
[4] => copy of Raw Rainbow Baroque Amber Baby Bracelet S2-6BU
[description] => Array
[1] =>
Amber Color: Light dark green;
Finish: Polished;
Amber Beads Shape: Baroque;
Size of Amber Beads: ~4-6 mm;
Bracelet-Anklet Weight: ~2.5-3 grams;
Length: 12cm(4.7inch), 13cm (5inch), 14cm (5.5inch), 15cm (6inch), 16cm (6.3inch), 17cm ( 6,7inch).;
Custom lengths also available for wholesale customers.
Clasp: Pop or Screw Clasps.
Wholesale MOQ: 10 Bracelets.
[4] =>
Our bracelets are made only from natural Baltic Amber and they offer a great solution for teething babies. Wearing amber bracelet is known to be an effective and drug-free remedy for minimizing pain associated with teething.
- Each Baby Bracelet in The Natural Amber website is sold in wholesale quantities of at least 10 pieces;
- 50 unique bracelet designs provide a huge range of styles to suit everyone’s taste;
- Each bead in this bracelet is made only from 100% genuine Baltic Amber to guarantee maximum pain relief for a baby;
- To increase the safety of this jewelry each bead in this bracelet is knotted, so in case it ever breaks a baby will not be able to swallow multiple beads. In addition to that each bracelet is made with plastic clasp that has screw thread so infants will not be able to unscrew it on their own;
- In order to ensure comfortability of wearing this bracelet all beads are rounded and smooth;
- These bracelets can be worn by babies who are older than 3 months (both boys and girls);
- Based on customer demands bracelets can be made with either Plastic Screw Clasp or on Elastic Band.
[description_short] => Array
[1] =>
Hand-made Baltic Amber teething bracelet-anklet for baby, made from light dark Green amber beads.
[4] =>
Product ID: S2-6BU;
Short Description: Raw Rainbow Amber Bracelet for Baby, Baroque Style;
Amber Beads: Unpolished (Raw);
Color: Rainbow;
Weight: ~2.5-3 g;
Clasp: This bracelet can be made on Elastic Band or with Screw Clasp;
Style: Baroque;
Standard Length: ~14 cm (5.5 inches). Based on requirements we can also make custom length baby bracelets;
Min. Order: 10 Bracelets;
Size of Amber Beads: ~4-6 mm;
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[low_stock_threshold] =>
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[1] =>
[4] =>
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[1] =>
[4] =>
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[wholesale_price] => 2.900000
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[unity] =>
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[unit_price_ratio] => 0.000000
[ecotax] => 0.000000
[reference] => S2-9B
[supplier_reference] =>
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[depth] => 0.000000
[weight] => 0.003000
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[1] => green-polished-baroque-baltic-amber-teething-bracelet-anklet-for-baby
[4] => copy-of-raw-rainbow-baroque-amber-baby-bracelet-s2-6bu
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