In this category you will find a wide range of Amber Bracelets mixed with different Gemstone beads. Designs include gemstones like Lava, African Jade, Aquamarine, Picture Jasper, Amethyst, Moonstone, Agate and etc.
- These Amber Bracelets can be made with Screw Clasp (Knotted) or they can be made on Elastic Band too;
- The standard length of these bracelets is 18 cm (7 inches); however we are able to make them in other lengths too;
- To order Amber & Gemstone bracelets for Adults at wholesale prices min. quantity of order needs to be at least 5 pieces;
- We are also able to make custom design Adult Bracelets combined from Amber & Gemstones like Picture Jasper, White Agate, Moonstone, African Jade, Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Lava, Aquamarine. E-mail us at to get more information.
Showing 1-12 of 12 item(s)
Adult Semistone Bracelets
Product Object
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[1] => Cherry Polished Amber & Quartz Chip Bracelet for Adult
[4] => copy of Adult Semistone and Amber Chip Bracelets L22
[description] => Array
[1] =>
Amber Color: Cherry;
Finish: Polished;
Amber Bead Shape: Chip;
Gemstones: Quartz;
Bracelet Weight: ~13 grams;
Length: 18cm (7.08 inch);
Clasp: Elastic Band;
Wholesale MOQ: 10 Bracelets;
[4] =>
Average Bracelet Weight: ~13 grams;
Amber Beads: Polished;
Amber Beads Color: Varies;
Standard Length: ~18 cm (7 inches);
Min. Order Quantities: 5 pieces;
L22-1C Cherry / Quartz
L22-2C Cherry / Amethyst
L22-3C Cherry / Amethyst
L22-4C Cherry / Turquoise Chip
L22-5C Cognac / Turquoise Chip
[description_short] => Array
[1] =>
Handmade Baltic amber adult bracelet on elastic band, made from polished Cherry amber and Quartz gemstone chips.
[4] =>
Adult Semistone and Amber Chip Bracelets L22
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[reference] => L22-1C
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Adult Semistone Bracelets
Product Object
[tax_name] =>
[tax_rate] =>
[id_manufacturer] => 1
[id_supplier] => 0
[id_category_default] => 32
[id_shop_default] => 1
[manufacturer_name] =>
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[name] => Array
[1] => Cherry Polished Amber & Amethyst Chip Bracelet for Adult
[4] => copy of Adult Semistone and Amber Chip Bracelets L22
[description] => Array
[1] =>
Amber Color: Cherry;
Finish: Polished;
Amber Bead Shape: Chip;
Gemstones: Amethyst;
Bracelet Weight: ~13 grams;
Length: 18cm (7.08 inch);
Clasp: Elastic Band;
Wholesale MOQ: 10 Bracelets;
[4] =>
Average Bracelet Weight: ~13 grams;
Amber Beads: Polished;
Amber Beads Color: Varies;
Standard Length: ~18 cm (7 inches);
Min. Order Quantities: 5 pieces;
L22-1C Cherry / Quartz
L22-2C Cherry / Amethyst
L22-3C Cherry / Amethyst
L22-4C Cherry / Turquoise Chip
L22-5C Cognac / Turquoise Chip
[description_short] => Array
[1] =>
Handmade Baltic amber adult bracelet on elastic band, made from polished Cherry amber and Amethyst gemstone chips.
[4] =>
Adult Semistone and Amber Chip Bracelets L22
[quantity] => 0
[minimal_quantity] => 1
[low_stock_threshold] =>
[low_stock_alert] => 0
[available_now] => Array
[1] =>
[4] =>
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[1] =>
[4] =>
[price] => 12.800000
[specificPrice] => 0
[additional_shipping_cost] => 0.000000
[wholesale_price] => 3.800000
[on_sale] => 0
[online_only] => 0
[unity] =>
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[unit_price_ratio] => 0.000000
[ecotax] => 0.000000
[reference] => L22-2C
[supplier_reference] =>
[location] =>
[width] => 9.000000
[height] => 1.000000
[depth] => 7.000000
[weight] => 0.020000
[ean13] =>
[isbn] =>
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[mpn] =>
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[4] => copy-of-adult-semistone-and-amber-chip-bracelets-l22
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[4] => amber gemstone chip bracelet
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[4] => amber gemstone chip bracelet
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[date_add] => 2021-05-05 14:09:54
[date_upd] => 2025-02-13 12:37:33
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[type] => 3
[validate] => isReference
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[type] => 4
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[type] => 4
[validate] => isUnsignedFloat
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[type] => 3
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[type] => 3
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[type] => 3
[validate] => isMpn
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[type] => 2
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[cache_has_attachments] => Array
[type] => 2
[validate] => isBool
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[type] => 2
[validate] => isBool
[state] => Array
[type] => 1
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[type] => 1
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[validate] => isGenericName
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[validate] => isUnsignedId
[id_tax_rules_group] => Array
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[shop] => 1
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[shop] => 1
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[shop] => 1
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[type] => 5
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Adult Semistone Bracelets
Product Object
[tax_name] =>
[tax_rate] =>
[id_manufacturer] => 1
[id_supplier] => 0
[id_category_default] => 32
[id_shop_default] => 1
[manufacturer_name] =>
[supplier_name] =>
[name] => Array
[1] => Cognac Polished Amber & Amethyst Chip Bracelet for Adult
[4] => copy of Adult Semistone and Amber Chip Bracelets L22
[description] => Array
[1] =>
Amber Color: Cognac;
Finish: Polished;
Amber Bead Shape: Chip;
Gemstones: Amethyst;
Bracelet Weight: ~13 grams;
Length: 18cm (7.08 inch);
Clasp: Elastic Band;
Wholesale MOQ: 10 Bracelets;
[4] =>
Average Bracelet Weight: ~13 grams;
Amber Beads: Polished;
Amber Beads Color: Varies;
Standard Length: ~18 cm (7 inches);
Min. Order Quantities: 5 pieces;
L22-1C Cherry / Quartz
L22-2C Cherry / Amethyst
L22-3C Cherry / Amethyst
L22-4C Cherry / Turquoise Chip
L22-5C Cognac / Turquoise Chip
[description_short] => Array
[1] =>
Handmade Baltic amber adult bracelet on elastic band, made from polished Cognac amber and Amethyst gemstone chips.
[4] =>
Adult Semistone and Amber Chip Bracelets L22
[quantity] => 0
[minimal_quantity] => 1
[low_stock_threshold] =>
[low_stock_alert] => 0
[available_now] => Array
[1] =>
[4] =>
[available_later] => Array
[1] =>
[4] =>
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[additional_shipping_cost] => 0.000000
[wholesale_price] => 3.800000
[on_sale] => 0
[online_only] => 0
[unity] =>
[unit_price] =>
[unit_price_ratio] => 0.000000
[ecotax] => 0.000000
[reference] => L22-3C
[supplier_reference] =>
[location] =>
[width] => 9.000000
[height] => 1.000000
[depth] => 7.000000
[weight] => 0.020000
[ean13] =>
[isbn] =>
[upc] =>
[mpn] =>
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[4] => copy-of-adult-semistone-and-amber-chip-bracelets-l22
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[4] => amber gemstone chip bracelet
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[4] => amber gemstone chip bracelet
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[date_upd] => 2025-02-13 12:37:33
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Adult Semistone Bracelets
Product Object
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[1] => Cherry Polished Baltic Amber & Turquoise Chip Bracelet for Adult
[4] => copy of Adult Semistone and Amber Chip Bracelets L22
[description] => Array
[1] =>
Amber Color: Cherry;
Finish: Polished;
Amber Bead Shape: Chip;
Gemstones: Turquoise;
Bracelet Weight: ~13 grams;
Length: 18cm (7.08 inch);
Clasp: Elastic Band;
Wholesale MOQ: 10 Bracelets;
[4] =>
Average Bracelet Weight: ~13 grams;
Amber Beads: Polished;
Amber Beads Color: Varies;
Standard Length: ~18 cm (7 inches);
Min. Order Quantities: 5 pieces;
L22-1C Cherry / Quartz
L22-2C Cherry / Amethyst
L22-3C Cherry / Amethyst
L22-4C Cherry / Turquoise Chip
L22-5C Cognac / Turquoise Chip
[description_short] => Array
[1] =>
Handmade Baltic amber adult bracelet on elastic band, made from polished Cherry amber and Turquoise gemstone chips.
[4] =>
Adult Semistone and Amber Chip Bracelets L22
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[reference] => L22-4C
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Adult Semistone Bracelets
Product Object
[tax_name] =>
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[id_category_default] => 32
[id_shop_default] => 1
[manufacturer_name] =>
[supplier_name] =>
[name] => Array
[1] => Cognac Polished Baltic Amber & Turquoise Chip Bracelet for Adult
[4] => copy of Adult Semistone and Amber Chip Bracelets L22
[description] => Array
[1] =>
Amber Color: Cognac;
Finish: Polished;
Amber Bead Shape: Chip;
Gemstones: Turquoise;
Bracelet Weight: ~13 grams;
Length: 18cm (7.08 inch);
Clasp: Elastic Band;
Wholesale MOQ: 10 Bracelets;
[4] =>
Average Bracelet Weight: ~13 grams;
Amber Beads: Polished;
Amber Beads Color: Varies;
Standard Length: ~18 cm (7 inches);
Min. Order Quantities: 5 pieces;
L22-1C Cherry / Quartz
L22-2C Cherry / Amethyst
L22-3C Cherry / Amethyst
L22-4C Cherry / Turquoise Chip
L22-5C Cognac / Turquoise Chip
[description_short] => Array
[1] =>
Handmade Baltic amber adult bracelet on elastic band, made from Cognac polished amber and Turquoise gemstone chip.
[4] =>
Adult Semistone and Amber Chip Bracelets L22
[quantity] => 0
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[4] =>
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[ecotax] => 0.000000
[reference] => L22-5C
[supplier_reference] =>
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[height] => 1.000000
[depth] => 7.000000
[weight] => 0.020000
[ean13] =>
[isbn] =>
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[4] => copy-of-adult-semistone-and-amber-chip-bracelets-l22
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[4] => amber gemstone chip bracelet
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[4] => amber gemstone chip bracelet
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[date_upd] => 2025-02-13 12:37:33
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[type] => 4
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[type] => 3
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[type] => 2
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[validate] => isBool
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Adult Semistone Bracelets
Product Object
[tax_name] =>
[tax_rate] =>
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[id_category_default] => 32
[id_shop_default] => 1
[manufacturer_name] =>
[supplier_name] =>
[name] => Array
[1] => Cherry Baroque Polished Amber & Quartz Chip Beads Bracelet for Adult on Flexible Band
[4] => copy of Adult Semistone and Amber Baracelets on Flexible Band L26
[description] => Array
[1] =>
Amber Color: Cherry;
Finish: Polished;
Amber Bead Shape: Baroque, Chip;
Gemstones: Quartz;
Bracelet Weight: ~28 grams;
Length: 18cm (7.08 inch);
Clasp: Flexible Band;
Wholesale MOQ: 10 Bracelets;
[4] =>
Average Bracelet Weight: ~28 grams;
Amber Beads: Polished;
Amber Beads Color: Varies;
Standard Length: ~18 cm (7 inches);
Min. Order Quantities: 5 pieces;
L26-1F Cherry / Quartz
L26-2F Cognac / Amethyst
L26-3F Cognac / Lapis Lazuli
L26-4F Cherry / Turquoise
[description_short] => Array
[1] =>
Handmade Baltic amber adult bracelet on flexible band, made from polished Cherry baroque amber and Quartz chip gemstone chips.
[4] =>
Adult Semistone and Amber Bracelets on Flexible Band L26
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[1] =>
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[ecotax] => 0.000000
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[supplier_reference] =>
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[height] => 1.000000
[depth] => 7.000000
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[ean13] =>
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[upc] =>
[mpn] =>
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[1] => cherry-baroque-polished-amber-and-quartz-chip-beads-adult-baracelet-on-flexible-band-
[4] => copy-of-adult-semistone-and-amber-baracelets-on-flexible-band-l26
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[4] => amber gemstone bracelets flexible band
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[date_upd] => 2025-02-13 12:37:33
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Adult Semistone Bracelets
Product Object
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[1] => Cognac Baroque Polished Amber & Amethyst Chip Beads Bracelet for Adult on Flexible Band
[4] => copy of Adult Semistone and Amber Baracelets on Flexible Band L26
[description] => Array
[1] =>
Amber Color: Cognac;
Finish: Polished;
Amber Bead Shape: Baroque, Chip;
Gemstones: Amethyst;
Bracelet Weight: ~28 grams;
Length: 18cm (7.08 inch);
Clasp: Flexible Band;
Wholesale MOQ: 10 Bracelets;
[4] =>
Average Bracelet Weight: ~28 grams;
Amber Beads: Polished;
Amber Beads Color: Varies;
Standard Length: ~18 cm (7 inches);
Min. Order Quantities: 5 pieces;
L26-1F Cherry / Quartz
L26-2F Cognac / Amethyst
L26-3F Cognac / Lapis Lazuli
L26-4F Cherry / Turquoise
[description_short] => Array
[1] =>
Handmade Baltic amber adult bracelet on flexible band, made from polished Cognac baroque amber and Amethyst gemstone chip.
[4] =>
Adult Semistone and Amber Bracelets on Flexible Band L26
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[4] => copy-of-adult-semistone-and-amber-baracelets-on-flexible-band-l26
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Adult Semistone Bracelets
Product Object
[tax_name] =>
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[id_category_default] => 32
[id_shop_default] => 1
[manufacturer_name] =>
[supplier_name] =>
[name] => Array
[1] => Cognac Baroque Polished Amber and Lapis Lazuli Chip Beads Bracelet for Adult on Flexible Band
[4] => copy of Adult Semistone and Amber Baracelets on Flexible Band L26
[description] => Array
[1] =>
Amber Color: Cognac;
Finish: Polished;
Amber Bead Shape: Baroque, Chip;
Gemstones: Lapis Lazuli;
Bracelet Weight: ~28 grams;
Length: 18cm (7.08 inch);
Clasp: Flexible Band;
Wholesale MOQ: 10 Bracelets;
[4] =>
Average Bracelet Weight: ~28 grams;
Amber Beads: Polished;
Amber Beads Color: Varies;
Standard Length: ~18 cm (7 inches);
Min. Order Quantities: 5 pieces;
L26-1F Cherry / Quartz
L26-2F Cognac / Amethyst
L26-3F Cognac / Lapis Lazuli
L26-4F Cherry / Turquoise
[description_short] => Array
[1] =>
Handmade Baltic amber adult bracelet on flexible band., made from polished Cognac baroque amber and Lapis Lazuli gemstone chip.
[4] =>
Adult Semistone and Amber Bracelets on Flexible Band L26
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[4] =>
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[4] => copy-of-adult-semistone-and-amber-baracelets-on-flexible-band-l26
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Adult Semistone Bracelets
Product Object
[tax_name] =>
[tax_rate] =>
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[id_shop_default] => 1
[manufacturer_name] =>
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[name] => Array
[1] => Cherry Polished Amber & Turquoise Chip Beads Bracelet for Adult on Flexible Band
[4] => copy of Adult Semistone and Amber Baracelets on Flexible Band L26
[description] => Array
[1] =>
Amber Color: Cherry;
Finish: Polished;
Amber Bead Shape: Chip;
Gemstones: Turquoise;
Bracelet Weight: ~28 grams;
Length: 18cm (7.08 inch);
Clasp: Flexible Band;
Wholesale MOQ: 10 Bracelets;
[4] =>
Average Bracelet Weight: ~28 grams;
Amber Beads: Polished;
Amber Beads Color: Varies;
Standard Length: ~18 cm (7 inches);
Min. Order Quantities: 5 pieces;
L26-1F Cherry / Quartz
L26-2F Cognac / Amethyst
L26-3F Cognac / Lapis Lazuli
L26-4F Cherry / Turquoise
[description_short] => Array
[1] =>
Handmade Baltic amber adult bracelet on flexible band, made from polished Cherry amber and Turquoise chip gemstone chips.
[4] =>
Adult Semistone and Amber Bracelets on Flexible Band L26
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[ecotax] => 0.000000
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[supplier_reference] =>
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[height] => 1.000000
[depth] => 7.000000
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[ean13] =>
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[4] => copy-of-adult-semistone-and-amber-baracelets-on-flexible-band-l26
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[4] => amber gemstone bracelets flexible band
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[date_upd] => 2025-02-13 12:37:33
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Adult Semistone Bracelets
Product Object
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[1] => Cherry Polished Amber & African Jade Chip Beads Bracelet for Adult on Flexible Band
[4] => copy of Adult Semistone and Amber Baracelets on Flexible Band L26
[description] => Array
[1] =>
Amber Color: Cherry;
Finish: Polished;
Amber Bead Shape: Chip;
Gemstones: African Jade;
Bracelet Weight: ~28 grams;
Length: 18cm (7.08 inch);
Clasp: Flexible Band;
Wholesale MOQ: 5 Bracelets;
[4] =>
Average Bracelet Weight: ~28 grams;
Amber Beads: Polished;
Amber Beads Color: Varies;
Standard Length: ~18 cm (7 inches);
Min. Order Quantities: 5 pieces;
L26-1F Cherry / Quartz
L26-2F Cognac / Amethyst
L26-3F Cognac / Lapis Lazuli
L26-4F Cherry / Turquoise
[description_short] => Array
[1] =>
Handmade adult bracelet on flexible band, made from polished Cherry Amber and African Jade Chip Beads.
[4] =>
Adult Semistone and Amber Bracelets on Flexible Band L26
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[4] => copy-of-adult-semistone-and-amber-baracelets-on-flexible-band-l26
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Adult Semistone Bracelets
Product Object
[tax_name] =>
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[id_category_default] => 32
[id_shop_default] => 1
[manufacturer_name] =>
[supplier_name] =>
[name] => Array
[1] => Cognac Polished Amber & African Jade Chip Bracelet for Adult
[4] => copy of Adult Semistone and Amber Chip Bracelets L22
[description] => Array
[1] =>
Amber Color: Cognac;
Finish: Polished;
Amber Bead Shape: Chip;
Gemstones: Turquoise;
Bracelet Weight: ~13 grams;
Length: 18cm (7.08 inch);
Clasp: Elastic Band;
Wholesale MOQ: 10 Bracelets;
[4] =>
Average Bracelet Weight: ~13 grams;
Amber Beads: Polished;
Amber Beads Color: Varies;
Standard Length: ~18 cm (7 inches);
Min. Order Quantities: 5 pieces;
L22-1C Cherry / Quartz
L22-2C Cherry / Amethyst
L22-3C Cherry / Amethyst
L22-4C Cherry / Turquoise Chip
L22-5C Cognac / Turquoise Chip
[description_short] => Array
[1] =>
Handmade Baltic amber adult bracelet on elastic band, made from polished Cognac amber and Turquoise gemstone chips.
[4] =>
Adult Semistone and Amber Chip Bracelets L22
[quantity] => 0
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[ecotax] => 0.000000
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[height] => 1.000000
[depth] => 7.000000
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[ean13] =>
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[4] => copy-of-adult-semistone-and-amber-chip-bracelets-l22
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[4] => amber gemstone chip bracelet
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[date_upd] => 2025-02-13 12:37:34
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[type] => 2
[validate] => isBool
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[type] => 2
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[validate] => isGenericName
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Adult Semistone Bracelets
Product Object
[tax_name] =>
[tax_rate] =>
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[id_category_default] => 32
[id_shop_default] => 1
[manufacturer_name] =>
[supplier_name] =>
[name] => Array
[1] => Cherry Polished Amber & African Jade Chip Bracelet for Adult
[4] => copy of Adult Semistone and Amber Chip Bracelets L22
[description] => Array
[1] =>
Amber Color: Cognac;
Finish: Polished;
Amber Bead Shape: Chip;
Gemstones: Turquoise;
Bracelet Weight: ~13 grams;
Length: 18cm (7.08 inch);
Clasp: Elastic Band;
Wholesale MOQ: 10 Bracelets;
[4] =>
Average Bracelet Weight: ~13 grams;
Amber Beads: Polished;
Amber Beads Color: Varies;
Standard Length: ~18 cm (7 inches);
Min. Order Quantities: 5 pieces;
L22-1C Cherry / Quartz
L22-2C Cherry / Amethyst
L22-3C Cherry / Amethyst
L22-4C Cherry / Turquoise Chip
L22-5C Cognac / Turquoise Chip
[description_short] => Array
[1] =>
Handmade adult bracelet, made from polished Cherry amber and African Jade chip mix.
[4] =>
Adult Semistone and Amber Chip Bracelets L22
[quantity] => 0
[minimal_quantity] => 1
[low_stock_threshold] =>
[low_stock_alert] => 0
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[1] =>
[4] =>
[available_later] => Array
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[4] =>
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[additional_shipping_cost] => 0.000000
[wholesale_price] => 3.800000
[on_sale] => 0
[online_only] => 0
[unity] =>
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[unit_price_ratio] => 0.000000
[ecotax] => 0.000000
[reference] => L22-7C
[supplier_reference] =>
[location] =>
[width] => 9.000000
[height] => 1.000000
[depth] => 7.000000
[weight] => 0.020000
[ean13] =>
[isbn] =>
[upc] =>
[mpn] =>
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[4] => copy-of-adult-semistone-and-amber-chip-bracelets-l22
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[4] => amber gemstone chip bracelet
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[4] => amber gemstone chip bracelet
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[date_upd] => 2025-02-13 12:37:34
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[lang] => 1
[validate] => isCleanHtml
[description_short] => Array
[type] => 6
[lang] => 1
[validate] => isCleanHtml
[available_now] => Array
[type] => 3
[lang] => 1
[validate] => isGenericName
[size] => 255
[available_later] => Array
[type] => 3
[lang] => 1
[validate] => IsGenericName
[size] => 255
[associations] => Array
[manufacturer] => Array
[type] => 1
[supplier] => Array
[type] => 1
[default_category] => Array
[type] => 1
[field] => id_category_default
[object] => Category
[tax_rules_group] => Array
[type] => 1
[categories] => Array
[type] => 2
[field] => id_category
[object] => Category
[association] => category_product
[stock_availables] => Array
[type] => 2
[field] => id_stock_available
[object] => StockAvailable
[association] => stock_availables
[l] => Array
[type] => 2
[field] => id_product
[foreign_field] => id_product
[classname] => Product
[update_fields:protected] =>
[force_id] =>