Product Object
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[1] => Cherry Baroque Raw Amber and Amethyst Teething Necklace for Child
[4] => copy of Amber and Amethyst Mix Baby Necklaces B19
[description] => Array
[1] =>
Amber Color: Cherry;
Finish: Raw;
Amber Beads Shape: Baroque;
Size of Amber Beads: ~4-6 mm;
Gemstones: Amethyst
Size of Amethyst, Opalite Beads: ~6 mm;
Necklace Weight: ~5-11 grams;
Length: 28cm(11 inch), 32cm (12.6 inch), 34cm (13.4 inch), 36cm (14.2 inch), 38cm (15 inch).
Custom lengths also available for wholesale customers.
Clasp: Pop or Screw Clasps.
Wholesale MOQ: 10 Necklaces.
[4] =>
Amber Beads Style: Baroque;
Size of Amethyst Beads: ~6 mm;
Size of Amber Beads: ~4-6 mm;
Necklace Weight: ~5-11 grams;
Amber: Polished;
Length: ~32 cm (12.6 inches). Other length necklaces can be made too;
MOQ: 10 Necklaces;
Clasp: Pop or Screw Clasps can be chosen;
Color: 10 different combinations are available;
B19-A1 Lemon / Amethyst;
B19-A2 3 Cognac / Amethyst;
B19-A3 6 Cognac / Amethyst / White Agate;
B19-A4U Mix / Amethyst;
B19-A5U Raw Cognac / 5 Amethyst;
B19-A6 Cognac / 5 Amethyst;
B19-A7 Light Green / Amethyst / Rose Quartz / African Jade ;
B19-A8U Raw Lemon / Amethyst / Amazonite / Opalite;
B19-A9 Cherry / Amethyst / Opalite;
[description_short] => Array
[1] =>
Cherry Baroque Raw Amber and Amethyst Teething Necklace for Child
[4] =>
Amber and Amethyst Mix Necklaces for Baby;
[quantity] => 0
[minimal_quantity] => 1
[low_stock_threshold] =>
[low_stock_alert] => 0
[available_now] => Array
[1] =>
[4] =>
[available_later] => Array
[1] =>
[4] =>
[price] => 17.990000
[specificPrice] => 0
[additional_shipping_cost] => 0.000000
[wholesale_price] => 6.200000
[on_sale] => 0
[online_only] => 0
[unity] =>
[unit_price] =>
[unit_price_ratio] => 0.000000
[ecotax] => 0.000000
[reference] => B19-A10
[supplier_reference] =>
[location] =>
[width] => 9.000000
[height] => 7.000000
[depth] => 1.000000
[weight] => 15.000000
[ean13] => 0
[isbn] =>
[upc] =>
[mpn] =>
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[1] => cherry-baroque-polished-amber-and-amethyst-teething-necklace-for-child
[4] => copy-of-amber-and-amethyst-mix-baby-necklaces-b19
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[4] =>
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[date_upd] => 2025-02-13 12:37:35
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