Exclusive Necklaces

Many adults want to own and wear Amber necklaces not only because they are stunning in appearance, but also because they are believed to be effective in eliminating bad energy and providing individuals with other health benefits. Exclusive Amber Necklaces for Adults usually have bigger amber beads than traditional ones or they combine other materials like Sterling Silver or Leather. They are handmade by jewelry professionals in the region so you can be sure that each accessory is made with great care to ensure high quality. Our exclusive necklaces combine either polished or raw Amber beads. Also since this natural gemstone comes in many different colors so does our exclusive necklaces that are found this catalog. Some of the most common colors of our exclusive necklaces are green, honey, cognac, rainbow, cherry and others. Some of our exclusive necklaces might seem like very expensive; however it is important to keep in mind that they combine quite big Amber beads.

Rainbow Baroque Polished Amber Adult Three Rows Necklace on Flexible Band
  • -50%
Exclusive Necklaces

Rainbow Baroque Polished Amber Three Rows Necklace on Flexible Band for Adult

  • Rainbow
  • Baroque
  • Polished
Product Object ( [tax_name] => [tax_rate] => [id_manufacturer] => 1 [id_supplier] => 0 [id_category_default] => 13 [id_shop_default] => 1 [manufacturer_name] => [supplier_name] => [name] => Array ( [1] => Rainbow Baroque Polished Amber Three Rows Necklace on Flexible Band for Adult [4] => copy of Adult Three Rows Amber Necklace N192 ) [description] => Array ( [1] =>

Amber Color: Rainbow;

Finish: Polished;

Amber Bead Shape: Baroque;

Necklace Weight: ~7 grams;

Length: 48cm (18.9 inch).

Clasp: Silver Clasps;

Wholesale MOQ: 10 Necklaces;

[4] =>

Amber jewelry was attracting attention for many years and even today it is popular and fashionable accessory to wear. It is worthwhile to mention that most adults choose to wear Amber necklaces because they are known to be beneficial for health. Since Amber contains one of the highest amounts of Succinic Acid naturally it can help to improve immune system, enhance mood, lessen depression, reduce acidity in the body and provide with many other benefits. When Amber jewelry is worn near skin for a long time this natural resin becomes warm and it starts release Succinic Acid into bloodstream.

In Thenaturalamber.com website we offer about 500 unique jewelry for adults. Our product assortment for adults consists of traditional and exclusive necklaces, bracelets, rings, anklets, pendants, souvenirs, Christian rosaries and more. All our jewelry is made only from 100% genuine Baltic Amber, which comes from Lithuania. Our products can be purchased at both retail and wholesale prices.

) [description_short] => Array ( [1] =>

Handmade Baltic amber three rows necklace on flexible  band for adult,  made from polished Rainbow baroque amber beads.

[4] =>

Product ID: N192;

Short Description: Adult Three Rows Amber Necklace with Sterling Silver clasp;

Amber: Baroque beads;

Length: ~45 cm (18 inches);
Weight: ~7 g;
Color: Multi;
This necklace match well with Amber bracelet (W102) or (W103) and earrings (E114) or (E116).
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€11.00 €21.99
  • Rainbow
  • Baroque
  • Polished

natural amber jewelry

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